
Purchase Orders are a critical element of any organisations procedures, or becomes so as an organisation grows and tries to maintain controls while continuing to take on more staff.

With PFIM we encourage all our customers who do orders for specific jobs to initiate the order from the Job.
This ensures the forecast cost as well as received costs are all associated to the job at the earliest possible time.

Our Purchase Order screen is very customisable and has a huge amount of settings that can affect how it would look in your organisation.

To get more details on how Purchase Orders work in PFIM click here.

Control of State

One of the most important settings we have for purchase orders is the System Setting Purchase Orders – Enable Control of State. When Control of State is enabled the system will move PO’s through the following statuses.

User access for purchase Orders enables you to restrict who is allowed to manage Purchase orders at which stage.

There is a seperate user access fer every step in the PO Process.